Our commitments
Through our sustainable development policy and our duty of care, we are committed
to achieving social, societal and environmental objectives in our production and processing

Social front
On the social front, we are committed to protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, guaranteeing compliance with health and safety requirements, promoting high- quality social dialogue and developing human capital.
Social level
On a social level, we are committed to maintaining dialogue with our external stakeholders, contributing to local development in the areas where we operate through practical support and respecting the land rights of communities.
In terms of the environment, we are committed to continuing to implement sustainable agriculture, with the aim of reconciling food production with environmental protection and sustainability.
We are also committed to reducing our water and energy consumption, recycling our waste and ensuring the sustainability of our production. Sugar cane by-products are used to limit fossil fuel consumption (bagasse and skimmings are used as soil improvers, while molasses is used as a fertilizer (instead of chemicals).

Protecting biodiversity is also at the heart of our convictions.
Our local commitments are long-term and translate into concrete contributions for society and the environments in which we operate.

Ethics and compliance
Ethics and integrity in the conduct of our business are at the heart of our Code of Conduct. Promoting our standards in our dealings with third parties is a strong commitment.
We have defined rules of conduct to which employees, suppliers and other stakeholders
must adhere.

Through the Code of Conduct, training and assessment of our third parties
Through our reporting and control system
Through our continuous improvement improvement system
By defining appropriate measures
Through our Compliance program, we are committed to a “zero tolerance” policy on corruption.
A dedicated committee is responsible for ensuring that the principles set out in our Code of Conduct are applied on a day-to-day basis through the Compliance programme, across our entire scope and in all our business relationships.
Aware of the importance of the fight against corruption and influence peddling, we are committed to continuous improvement in order to manage our risks effectively.
If you would like to report a problem or a situation that you feel is contrary to our commitments, please follow the link: https://groupe-castel.gan-compliance.com/