Growing Together.

70,000 trees planted in Congo

Growing together, maintaining and developing the ecosystem
“The falling tree makes more noise than the growing forest”, says an African proverb. SARIS
Congo’s initiative is one that deserves to be shared, at a time when the challenge of climate
change calls for the mobilization of everyone. Since 2007, this subsidiary of the Somdia
group based in Nkayi (in the Niari valley) has been carrying out an ambitious reforestation
project, as part of the government’s forest preservation policy. Eucalyptus, teak, acacia…
every year, 3,000 to 4,000 trees are planted on land that has never been used. The aim is to
improve air quality and contribute to carbon sequestration. This initiative is all the more
deeply rooted in the company’s culture as it coincides with National Tree Day, celebrated on
6 November. As well as acting as a green lung, the planting of trees helps to protect the
company’s operations from the risk of fire. The project is also being rolled out in schools
through the “1 tree, 1 pupil” operation, and with specific plantings in areas populated by
endangered species. Since 2007, 72,000 trees have been planted. The forests of tomorrow
are growing quietly.

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