Growing Together.

Aida N’gom, an exemplary career path

Growing together, rewarding talent and motivation, whatever your initial qualifications

The future smiles to the bold ones. Aïda Amadou was just 25 when she joined SUCAF Côte d’Ivoire in 2003. With a secretarial diploma in her pocket and a year’s work experience behind her, she began her career with the sugar company as a switchboard operator, quickly demonstrating a high level of professionalism. It wasn’t long before the sales profession attracted this determined young woman. She decided to take a BTS in commercial management, which she passed in 2010. The company then decided to give her a chance by appointing her a sales administration assistant in December 2015. Her ability to manage customer relations and the rigor of her work impressed everyone. From October to December 2020, Aïda brilliantly took on the role of interim head of department, earning praise from the general management. In 2021, she had no hesitation in applying to take over from her boss, who had resigned in the meantime. She has now been in the job for two years, and her professionalism has been unanimously acclaimed. In a predominantly male environment (women make up only 9% of the workforce), Aïda’s success is a real eye- opener.

An inspiration to all.

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