Growing Together.

Sharing the road

Growing up together, ensuring everyone’s safety

Safety is something you learn from childhood. This conviction is at the heart of the road safety awareness plan set up in 2021, and renewed in 2024, around the maize mill recently created in the south of the country by Compagnie Fermière Camerounaise. This production site is located next to a village with a school. So there was an urgent need to make young people aware of the dangers of road traffic. The training is aimed not only at nursery and primary school pupils, but also at motorbike taxi drivers, who are particularly vulnerable to lorries. Door-to-door operations are also being carried out to alert local residents to the dangers posed by the increase in traffic. Whistles and armbands are handed out to children to encourage them to come forward. And because safety is everyone's business, “child leaders” have been appointed from among the older children to look after the younger ones. A comic strip will soon be distributed, to anchor this culture of vigilance in every household. And prevent tragedies.

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