Growing Together.

Learning for better growth

Growing together, giving young people a sense of direction
What if art could help overcome the taboo surrounding sexual and reproductive health? To
raise awareness among young Cameroonians of this issue, which is as intimate as it is
essential, the SOSUCAM foundation is supporting an ambitious educational programme,
launched at the end of 2022 in conjunction with local associations. The meetings are held
near the two sugar factories of M’Bandjock and N’Koteng, in the centre of the country. For
the educators, it’s all about tackling sensitive subjects such as menstrual hygiene, sexually
transmitted infections and gender-based violence. And there’s nothing like the power of
words to overcome apprehension. The young people were involved in the creation of a play
inspired by a tragic story that happened at their school. It was about a pregnant teenager
who committed suicide after being rejected by her father. In their script, the 30 budding
actors were keen to write a happier ending, to convey a strong message: with the support of
the community, the young girl would have survived. The show had a profound effect on the
200 high school students who attended. A lesson in kindness and respect.

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