Growing Together.

10 years of friendship

Growing together through trusting relationships built over time

This is the story of a friendship that lasts. Société Camerounaise d’Elevage et de Provenderie (SCEP), which became Compagnie Fermière du Cameroun (CFC) in 2021, entered the animal feed sector ten years ago, despite strong competition. The start-up was helped by the special confidence of a farmer, Mr Séverin, who decided to test the feed offered by CFC on his farms. His results quickly improved. More than just partners, the members of the CFC became like a family to him. This partnership has given him the opportunity to travel and explore France and Africa, taking part in events such as SPACE and livestock shows, in the presence of colleagues from all over the world. Convinced by the quality of CFC’s products, Mr Séverin did not hesitate to distribute them to other breeders. They too were quick to reap the benefits, starting with a marked increase in egg production. The result is a community of around thirty farmers from the mountains around Bafoussam, in the west of the country. They all continue to meet and exchange ideas as they move forward. Growing together is a daily reality.

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