Saris Congo organises a cultivation workshop from 2 to 6 October 2023

From 2 to 6 October, Saris hosted the group’s cultivation workshop, the theme of which was Improving sugarcane fertilisation: soil and plant. In recent years, soil science has focused heavily on understanding the biological functioning of soils in order to better manage the fundamental elements of fertility. The choice of this subject was a response […]
Occupational Health and Safety Days and Partners Days at SUCAF CI from 10to 13 October 2023

From 10 to 13 October 2023, SUCAF-CI organised, with all its partners, the Health and Safety at Work Days before the effective start of the new sugar campaign. SUCAF-CI’s General Manager was present at these events, along with the company’s directors, managers and workers, as well as the managers of the Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance […]
Launch of the Foundations Fortnight!

It’s officially launched. The Foundations Fortnight is already underway. The much-heralded event was launched last week. The SGMT and SGMC Foundations got the ball rolling with activities aimed at communities. They respectively organised an awareness-raising campaign on breast cancer and a training course on entrepreneurship. After Togo and Cameroon, the Congo took over. On Sunday […]
Launch of SOSUCAM’s 2023-2024 sugar campaign

On Saturday 04 November 2023 took place the official ceremony of the 1st fire, launching the beginning of the sugar campaign 2023-2024. The importance of this event for the sugar factory was reinforced by the presence of the administrative authorities, headed by the Prefect of Haute-Sanaga accompanied by the Sub- Prefects and Mayors of the […]
SUCAF CI launches 2023-2024 campaign

Following the presentation of the objectives to all managers, supervisory staff and staff representative bodies (IRP) on 17 October, it is now time for the first bonfires. The ceremonies marking the official launch of a new sugar campaign took place on 22 and 24 October 2023 at the Ferké 2 and Ferké 1 sites respectively. […]
Two local secondary schools receive desks from SUCAF-CI

On Thursday 11 November 2023, the heads of the modern secondary schools in Village C (Ferké 1) and Pangalakaha (Ferké 2) took delivery of 80 improved (semi-metallic) desks. The donations were handed over by the Deputy Managing Director, Mrs Roseline BAROAN, who was joined by the team from the Sustainable Development and Compliance Department (3DC). […]
From Togo to Somdia’s Paris headquarters

Growing together by creating tailor-made career paths adapted to each individual’s desires
Preparing the next generation at SOSUCAM

Growing together, taking care of young potentials
Aida N’gom, an exemplary career path

Growing together, rewarding talent and motivation, whatever your initial qualifications
Rethinking maize production in Cameroon

Growing together, by supporting the restructuring of a sector